What all are the similarities of chia and sabja (Basil seed), What are the use of them? what all are the fascinating benefits of both chia and Sabja (Basil) Seed?

Chia seeds and sabja seeds play an important role in the discussion of foods that enhance the immune system.

Chia and sabja (basil) are seeds that can be classified as super food.

Both the basil (sabja) and chia seeds look almost same and Most of the time black in colour. But there are differences when we looked at them closely.

When we look in to sabja or basil seeds,they are always black. When we start to compare basil seed with chia, sabja(basil) is somewhat tiny and round in shape.

Chia seeds are little bit larger and the shape of that varies. Most of the chia seeds are oval in shape and the colour also varies from one another.

The colour of chia seed is most of the time grey and black but sometimes it can be found in brown and white in colour.

Where do these come from?

Although chia seeds and sabja seeds are similar in appearance, the plants that produce it are of two different species.

Chia is the seed of Salvia Hispanica. Salvia Hispanica a flowering plant found in mint family. The origin of the plant is from Mexico and Guatemala.

Basil seeds or sabja seed is a herb which is originated from the   family of Lamiaceae.

The native of basil is central Africa to Southeast Asia.

How to consume Sabja (Basil)Seed?

Sabja seed has a mild flavour of basil. So before eating sabja we should soak it for couple of hours.

 Comparatively sabja (basil) seeds swells up very easily.

How to consume Chia seeds?

We can consume both raw and soaked chia seeds, Chia seeds adapts with any dish.

Chia seed not having any particular taste. Chia takes time to absorb water and swells up.

Chia seed and Sabja(Basil) seed Comparison (1 Spoon or 17g)

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Proven benefits of chia seed and Sabja (basil) seed.

 Benefits of chia seeds

  • Chia seeds are high in fibre: Chia seeds, which are high in fibre, so when soaked in water, it turns into a jelly paste, which may help control appetite.
  • Chia seeds helps to reduce blood sugar levels: Studies shows that Chia seed helps to control the blood sugar level and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetics. 
  • Chia seeds contain high amount of omega 3 and fatty acid. which helps to improve your body health
  • Chia seeds help you to lower the risk of heart diseases: Chia seeds are high in protein, fibre, omega 3, fatty acids, as per the studies due to these content in chia seeds consuming chia seeds will help you to lower the risk of heart diseases.
  • Chia seeds are very high in nutrients.
  • Some of the studies shows that Chia seeds helps to reduce the risk of inflammation.

Benefits of chia seeds

  • According to studies basil (Sabja) seeds contain soluble fibre, which help to improve gut health and also controls your appetite.
  • Eating Sabja Seed will help your stomach feel full.
  • Basil (Sabja) seeds are good source of minerals such as calcium, Magnesium, Iron. Which will help you in your muscle functions.
  • Basil (Sabja) seeds help you to lower the risk of heart diseases: Basil seeds are high in protein, fibre, omega 3, fatty acids. The Consumption of basil seeds will help you to lower the risk of heart diseases.
  • Basil (Sabja) seeds are used in most of the beverages in Asia. Because it considers as Natural coolant.
  • Basil (Sabja) seeds helps to reduce blood sugar levels: Study shows that Basil seed helps to control the blood sugar level and reduce the risk of diabetes. 
  • Basil (Sabja) Seeds help you to control your cholesterol level.

How chia seeds and Sabja(Basil) seeds helps you in weight loss?

According to studies the consumption of fibre helps you in weight loss.

Chia and Sabja seeds are rich in fibre because that the  consumption of chia and sabja helps you in weight loss.

Can you take Chia and sabja(Basil) seeds daily?

Sabja(Basil) is a natural coolant and chia contain lots of nutrients.

               If you are taking sabja You can have 2 teaspoon of sabja on a daily basis.

               In the case of chia seeds, you can consume 1.5 teaspoon of you can have on a daily basis.

             You can also mix half teaspoon of chia and half teaspoon of Sabja(Basil) And can prepare  different types of drinks.